INCLUSIVE H provides both in person and on-line training which is tailored to meet the needs of each company or organisation, including the content, delivery method, and length of training. Examples of the range of training courses we offer are:

INCLUSIVE HORIZONS has trained over 200 organisations, from the public and private sector including companies in the financial and consultancy, engineering, arts and entertainment, sports, sectors, and national institutions, health, social care, local and national government departments and educational establishments.


As part of our training packages we also provide one to one support for staff in the work place who are transitioning or in need of support with any HR issues


We contribute to policy development regarding equality and human rights for trans and gender diverse individuals, at all levels including government departments, health, education


Changes to access to health care for trans and gender diverse children and young people we have temporally removed access to the following e-Learning so that the content can be updated to reflect these changes